Our commitment to diversity
Differences set us apart, respect brings us together
At Exolum, we are firmly committed to equal opportunities for everyone in the organisation in order to create a stronger and more dedicated company with a work environment built on respect and tolerance.
Figures that reflect our commitment
Exolum employs more than 2,200 people and last year...
Of new recruits were women, 36% in technical positions
Different nationalities
Of employees are over the age of 50
Of new recruits are under the age of 30
Exolum’s commitment to create a more just and equal society
To achieve this, Exolum works on three key values integrated into our strategic plan: diversity, equity and inclusion.
In addition to the above, there are the Human Resources policy measures and collective bargaining agreements facilitan la conciliación y el bienestar de los empleados that facilitate work-life balance and the well-being of our employees, and which aim to strike a real balance between the work and personal lives of the people who work at Exolum. Reduced working hours in summer, unpaid and extended leave to care for family members and remote working are just some of the measures that have helped Exolum to obtain Family Responsible Company (EFR) certification with a ‘B+ Proactive’ rating.
To ensure that all this work is effective, the company’s annual targets include ESG indicators to help us measure the level of compliance with these initiatives and to set priorities for the future. In this regard, we have set ourselves the target of 27% of women in management positions by 2027, and to increase the incorporation of diverse profiles (gender, age, nationality, etc.) in all countries.
This is our commitment to...
...teams: our commitment to De&I improves employee satisfaction and helps us to attract and retain the best talent.
...customers: our customers are diverse and this challenges us to continue innovating to drive continuous improvement and offer new products and services.
...the communities in which we operate: our commitment to sustainability drives us to be leaders, having a positive impact on the environment.
Diversity for Exolum...
Generates EMPATHY because it helps us to understand our diferences
Favours INCLUSION because it makes us pluralistic
Promotes RESPECT for people
Reinforces the feeling of BELONGING to the group
Improves COEXISTENCE and makes us more tolerant
It unites the TEAM and helps us to offer our best version of ourselves
Brings VALUE because it enriches points of view
Makes us feel PROUD of who we are
Strengthens TOLERANCE towards the ideas of others
It reinforces the IDENTITY of a single Exolum
Genera EMPATÍA porque nos ayuda a entender nuestras diferencias
Promueve el RESPETO hacia las personas
Mejora la CONVIVENCIA y nos hace más tolerantes
Aporta VALOR porque enriquece los puntos de vista
Fortalece la TOLERANCIA hacia las ideas de los demás
Favorece la INCLUSIÓN porque nos hace pluralesEMPATÍA
Une al EQUIPO y nos ayuda a ofrecer nuestra mejor versión
Nos hace sentir ORGULLO de lo que somos
Refuerza la IDENTIDAD de una sola Exolum
Diversity at Exolum 2021´s report
In this report you will find all the measures and policies carried out by the Exolum Group in terms of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Initiatives that add up...
We strive to ensure the different dimensions of diversity
Gender diversity
To ensure effective equality between men and women, we foster a work environment where the opportunities for improvement we offer are accessible and achievable for all individuals, regardless of their gender, such as promotion to management positions and equal pay. Our goal is to promote initiatives that aim to achieve a more balanced representation of women in all areas.
- This year, women account for 16% of the workforce.
- The percentage of women in management positions increased by 11% this year, and by 20% in the specialist/operator category.
The main projects that promote progress in this area:
- We are members of the ‘CEO for diversity’ alliance and the Diversity Charter. Together with the Adecco Foundation and the CEOE Foundation, Exolum has joined this initiative to drive innovation in diversity, equity and inclusion strategies in Spanish companies in general and in Exolum in particular. Along the same lines, we have signed the Diversity Charter in Spain, a European charter which companies can voluntarily sign to publicise their commitment to diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
- Target Gender Equality (TGE).
Exolum has joined this programme through the UN Global Compact, which aims to empower women in organisations through different initiatives, such as participation in events and forums, the signing of the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) and the performance of a gender gap analysis using the WEP tool.
- STEAM Alliance for female talent and other forums of interest
In collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, Exolum has joined this initiative, launched in 2021, to encourage girls to pursue a career in science or technology, thereby helping to break down the gender stereotypes associated with certain careers and professions. We are also participating in other programmes such as ‘Sharing Talent’ and the ‘Advanced Women and Leadership Programme’.
- Women in Movement (WIM) Group.
An internal initiative launched to add value to the company by harnessing inclusion, collaboration and diversity, where the women involved participate in different initiatives such as attendance at diversity-related presentations and workshops on diversity.
Generational diversity
At Exolum, we take advantage of generational diversity to enrich our teams with different points of view and experiences, promoting innovative actions, breaking with traditional paradigms and encouraging new ideas, thus turning this difference into an opportunity.
- The average age of employees in the Exolum Group is 43 years, with Generation X being the most represented generation in the workforce. In the last year, we hired 56 people under the age of 30 years, 65 employees between the ages of 30 and 50, and 18 employees over the age of 50.
The main projects that promote progress in this area:
- Scholarship Programmes
The Exolum Group runs scholarship programmes that give university, vocational training and dual vocational training students the opportunity to receive the practical work experience they need to complete their training.
Multicultural diversity
Each unique cultural trait provides Exolum with an opportunity for learning, enrichment and value-creation, which allows us to forge a multicultural corporate identity.
- We operate in 9 countries, and employ more than 2,200 people of 31 different nationalities, which brings us a wealth of different racial and ethnic backgrounds, languages and traditions.
The main projects that promote progress in this area:
- Organisation of inclusive events
At Exolum, we are aware of how important and enriching multiculturalism is for our company, which is why we celebrate various International Days such as World Day for Cultural Development and for Dialogue and Development, International Mother Language Day, Ramadan Wishes, Black History Month, International Day of Peace and United Nations Day, among others.
- Language training
To ensure communication skills, we provide language training to all our professionals to help broaden their opportunities.
Functional diversity
Some 15% of the world’s population has some kind of physical, sensory or mental disability, and Exolum believes that the integration of functionally diverse groups is paramount in order to provide opportunities for everyone.
- We collaborate with the Prodis Foundation, where we organise various activities and initiatives in its employment centres
- We work with the ONCE Foundation through the Inserta Agreement, and by proactively organising talks, workshops and jumble sales
The main projects that promote progress in this area:
- Commemorative celebrations
The Group celebrates different commemorative days, such as World Cancer Day, World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the Movember initiative and Breast Cancer Awareness Day, among others.
At Exolum, we want to create a culture where everyone is free to express themselves, whatever their situation, and where they feel free and secure.
The main projects that promote progress in this area:
- Commemorative celebrations
In May, we celebrate European Diversity Month with an internal campaign to raise awareness of the importance of being an open and diverse company, in addition to Gay Pride Day, International Non-Binary People’s Day, Zero Discrimination Day, International Family Equality Day and International Day for Tolerance, among others.
In the words of the people who
are part of Exolum:
To learn more about the Exolum Group’s measures and policies in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion, click here
Exolum in Alliances & Partnerships
The EFR seal, awarded by the Másfamilia Foundation, certifies the implementation of a management model that promotes work-life balance. Exolum has been awarded a rating of ‘B+ Proactive,’ thanks to the diversity measures in place for the people in our company.
This UN Global Compact programme aims to promote the presence of women in high-level corporate leadership roles. As a member of the UN Global Compact Spanish network, Exolum participates in numerous activities organised by the network.
The 'CEO for diveristy' Alliance, promoted by the Adecco Foundation and the CEOE Foundation, seeks to promote innovative strategies in the areas of diversity, equity and inclusion in Spanish companies. Exolum joined the alliance in 2021 with the aim of further strengthening the company’s commitment to diversity.
Exolum is a member of the STEAM Alliance for female talent, an initiative launched by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training, which aims to promote gender diversity and empower women in the areas of science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics.
We joined this UN Women and Global Compact initiative and continue to strengthen our commitment to female talent in the company by building an increasingly egalitarian and diverse company.
The Diversity Charter or the EU charter of principles is a free and voluntary charter that companies and institutions can sign to publicise their commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Exolum has also signed the Charter to show its commitment to these principles.
Exolum recently joined REDI (business network for LGTBI diversity and inclusion), the first business and expert network that aims to promote the integration of diversity and the inclusion of LGTBIQ+ people in the workplace.
We joined AEMENER (Spanish Association of Energy Women) to continue promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women, through projects and actions that promote their presence in the energy sector. In this way, we respond to the strategy outlined in our ESG Plan and reinforce our commitment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.