Our certifications guarantee the integrity and sustainability of our activities
We have all the certifications that guarantee our commitment to society in the exercise of our business.
We are committed to the certification of all our management processes
We conduct our business in a responsible manner with people, their safety and property. In addition, we respect the environment and are committed in a social and ethical manner and to sustainability in all its aspects.
(These documents are only available in Spanish)
ISO 45001:2015
Exolum Occupational Health and Safety Management System certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 45001:2015 standard (Spanish)
ISO 45001:2018
Exolum Occupational Health and Safety Management System certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 45001:2018 standard (Spanish)
(These documents are only available in Spanish)
ISO 14001:2015
Exolum Environmental Management System certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard (Spanish)
ISO 14001:2015 Aviation
Exolum Environmental Management System certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 14001:2015 standard (Spanish)
(Some of these documents are only available in Spanish)
ISO 9001:2015
Exolum Quality Management System certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard
ISO 9001:2015 Aviation
Exolum Quality Management System certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard (Spanish)
ISO 9001:2015 Exolum Pipeline System
Exolum Pipeline System Quality Management System certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard
ISO 9001:2015 Exolum Pipeline System IQNeT
Exolum Pipeline System IQNet Quality Management System certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard
This document is only available in Spanish
ISMS Certificate
Information Security Management System Certificate
Port of Algeciras
Compliance Certificate, Service Quality for Bulk Goods Terminals (Spanish)
Port of Palma de Mallorca
Compliance Certificate, Service Quality for Bulk Goods Terminals (Spanish)
Port of Barcelona
Compliance Certificate, Service Quality for Bulk Goods Terminals (Spanish)
Port of Cartagena
Compliance Certificate, Service Quality for Bulk Goods Terminals (Spanish)
Port of Gijón
Compliance Certificate, Service Quality for Bulk Goods Terminals (Spanish)
Port of Zierbena
Compliance Certificate, Service Quality for Bulk Goods Terminals (Spanish)
Puerto de El Calero
Compliance Certificate, Service Quality for Bulk Goods Terminals (Spanish)
Central Laboratory
Central Laboratory 84/LE236 – Fuel and oil product testing according to the technical annexe (Spanish)
Central Laboratory 84/LE236 – Technical Annexe (Spanish)
Central Laboratory 84/LE2162 – Environmental sector water testing according to the technical annexe (Spanish)
Central Laboratory 84/LE2162 – Technical Annexe (Spanish)
Metrology Laboratory
Metrology Laboratory. In situ meter testing and verification of equipment for measuring liquid hydrocarbon volumes – Accreditation (Spanish)
Metrology Laboratory. In situ meter testing and verification of equipment for measuring liquid hydrocarbon volumes – Technical Annexe (Spanish)
Metrology Laboratory. Calibration of liquid hydrocarbon volume meters and temperature and humidity calibrations – Accreditation (Spanish)
Metrology Laboratory. Calibration of liquid hydrocarbon volume meters and temperature and humidity calibrations – Technical Annexe (Spanish)
RDI Management System Certificate by AENOR
RDI certification in aviation and fuel technology and management system development for Exolum’s aviation division
Certificado ISCC Plus (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification)
Certificado ISCC CORSIA (Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation)
Certificado ISCC EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) – Exolum Aviation
Certificado ISCC EU Renewable Energy Directive (Irlanda) – Exolum Aviación
Certificado ISCC EU Renewable Energy Directive (PORTUGAL) – Exolum Aviación