Who we are

We are an international leader company in the transportation and storage of liquid products

We manage Europe’s largest network of refined products and are ranked first in Europe in terms of storage capacity and seventh in the world


We are engaged in the transportation and storage of a wide range of bulk liquid products, especially refined products, chemicals and biofuels, in a sustainable and efficient manner, aware of the fact that our activities help improve the quality of life and development of society.


employees who help us to improve day by day


storage facilities


airport facilities at your disposal


pipelines at your disposal


of cubic meters of capacity, located in 11 countries


empleados que nos ayudan a mejorar día a día.


instalaciones en donde poder almacenar.


instalaciones aeroportuarias a vuestra disposición


de oleoductos al servicio de nuestros clientes.


de metros cúbicos de capacidad, ubicados en 6 paises.


Our history

Exolum has more than 90 years of experience in the energy sector.

Purpose. Our raison d´être


We contribute to the progress of a sustainable society by developing and operating the infrastructures required for the mobility and industry of the future.

Mission. The reflection of what we are


We are a company focused on infrastructure management, using the latest technology to provide our customers with the most efficient and reliable solutions, always safe and environmentally responsible.

Vision. The future to which we aspire


To be regarded as the number one global infrastructure company in terms of innovation, responsibility and sustainability by our colleagues and customers.

Values. The way we are and the way we do things


Our values translate the mission and vision into the way we do things throughout the company, guiding all our decisions.


The health and safety of people and protecting the environment is our priority.


We are all leaders promoting enterprise and tackling the challenges of the future with optimism and determination.


We inspire brilliant ideas and create action plans to generate possibilities for the future.


We believe in people and in what we do, and we create a culture of respect and tolerance.

Transparent management at the service of society

We have a corporate governance system aligned with our purpose, mission and values and internationally recognized best practices.

Shareholders and investors


Find here the company’s economic-financial information and our latest integrated reports