Transparency, ethics and integrity
At Exolum, we promote behaviour based on strict ethical principles, transparency and the fulfilment of our commitments.
The Code of Conduct
This document outlines universally accepted ethical principles and rules of conduct inspired by our Purpose, Mission, Vision and Values. It aims to provide all our professionals, irrespective of their field of work and country, with universal rules of conduct in line with the strictest ethical principles, taking into account the cultural setting in which they work and based on due compliance with local legislation.
In addition, we are committed to promoting the Code among all our suppliers, contractors and partners in order to establish a bond and behavioural guidelines in keeping with our principles and values.

Criminal Compliance Policy
The Criminal Compliance Policy sets out the Exolum ethical principles described in the Code of Conduct and confirms its desire to behave in accordance with the rules and ethical values, for which purpose it has defined a framework of principles for compliance in criminal matters which should guide the conduct of the Group and all companies in the Group.
Policy for the Management of Conflicts of interest
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for managing conflicts of interest for Members of the Organization and Business Partners.
Pursuant to the Exolum Code of Conduct, when performing their professional roles and responsibilities, the Members of the Organisation shall act with loyalty to the Group and avoid situations where a conflict arises between their personal interests and those of the Group
Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption Policy
This Policy develops the Criminal Compliance Policy and is aligned with the ethical values of EXOLUM, as set out in its Code of Conduct, reaffirming Exolum´s commitment to behave in accordance with ethical standards and to comply with regulations aimed at preventing corruption. To achieve this, Exolum has established framework of principles for compliance.
Policy governing
the use of the Code
of Conduct Mailbox
This channel facilitates the reporting of any unusual or suspicious conduct or events that come to the attention of our stakeholders and which, in their opinion, could constitute misconduct, including possible situations of criminal risk. Such reports may be anonymous or include the informant’s name and will be received by the Ethics Committee, which will determine the process required in each case based on the nature of the reported events.
The purpose of the Policy governing the use of the Code of Conduct Mailbox, approved by the Board of Directors, is to specify the criteria for use of the diverse communication channels in place at Exolum through which the Members of the Organisation, Business Partners and Third Parties can send Inquiries and/or Reports on potential Breaches that could arise within the Organisation in the course of their activities.