The future speaks Exolum

We have the necessary experience to face the challenges of the sector.

Get to know our projects! 



New business for a new world

We develop new business areas to add value and contribute to a more sustainable world.

Find out about the different lines of action 

Our unique model

Design Thinking
Design Thinking

El primer paso es ponerse en la piel del usuario, investigando a fondo las necesidades reales de quien va a utilizar nuestro producto o servicio. Cuando diseñas tu proyecto a partir de una experiencia real puedes asegurar el éxito.

Lean Testing
Lean Testing

Con un espíritu 100% Lean, definimos y sistematizamos los procesos de validación del proyecto, testeando desde el primer momento el modelo de negocio para evitar desajustes en términos de tiempo e inversión.

Growth Hacking
Growth Hacking

En esta tercera etapa implementamos técnicas de marketing, enfoques creativos y un exhaustivo pensamiento analítico para definir y monitorizar KPIs con las métricas necesarias para alcanzar el crecimiento exponencial.

Design Thinking


The first step is to walk in the user’s shoes, understanding their real needs of the people who will use our product or service. Only when you design a project using real user experience can its success be assured.

Lean Testing

With a 100% Lean spirit, we define and systemise project validation processes, testing the business model from the first moment to avoid miscalculations in terms of time and investment.

Growth Hacking

In the third stage we implement marketing techniques, creative focus and extensive analytic thinking to define and track KPIs with the required metrics to reach exponential growth.



Exolum has an Innovation Management System designed according to the company’s characteristics. This means that it acts proactively and quickly to meet the needs of the industry by constantly monitoring the evolution of technology, the market and changes in the legislation in force and proposing solutions, initiatives and new services that offer a competitive advantage to the company and our customers.

Through our continuous commitment to RDI, we maximise the efficiency of our operations and remain at the technological forefront of our sector.

At Exolum we are currently digitalising and automating our facilities, in addition to improving operational processes with the aim of promoting resource optimisation and reinforcing the safety and sustainability of operations.

Collaborate – Open Innovation –


Do you have an idea for more efficient energy consumption? Do you need support in developing an engineering project? Do you want to change the world?