
CLH ends 2014 with zero accidents: the best result in occupational safety so far in its more than 85 years

  • The company’s 39 facilities recorded 1.8 million hours worked in 2014 with no occupational accidents

CLH ended 2014 with zero occupational accidents in its work centres, which is the best result in occupational safety in its 85 years. The company, with an average workforce of 1,225 people who worked a total of nearly 1.8 million hours, closed the year without accidents at its 39 facilities in Spain.

This achievement has been possible thanks to the involvement of everyone at CLH, as well as the efforts made by the company, which organised nearly 9,000 hours of Occupational Safety and Prevention training in 2014 and continued to arrange several promotional actions and campaigns on prevention among its employees.

As a result of this, CLH finished the year with no occupational accidents, achieving the strategic goal of “zero accidents” earlier than expected, as it was originally planned for 2016.

As for CLH Aviación, three occupational accidents were recorded in 2014, two of them entailing leave of absence, which represents a reduction of 25% compared to 2013 and the best result in safety in recent years.

As a whole, the CLH Group achieved a reduction of 60% in its accident rate in 2014 compared to the previous year. This represents a drop of 90% since 2008, as shown by the Group’s Total Frequency Rate, which has fallen from 13.11 to 1.30 in seven years.

Zero is possible

The safety figures of the CLH Group are the result of the implementation of the “Zero is possible” programme, a project that the company started in 2008 with an ambitious objective: to eradicate occupational accidents by establishing a new risk prevention culture.

Since then, CLH has intensified the carrying out of awareness campaigns among its employees, with the organisation of regular workshops and meetings on safety, as well as the dissemination of awareness campaigns through different communication channels, such as the corporate magazine, the intranet and information brochures.

In addition to the actions mentioned above, every year the company rewards those work centres that do not record any occupational accidents, as a tool for reinforcing employees’ motivation, and also recognises its collaborating companies for their best safety behaviour with the “Zero Accidents” Award as a way to promote their involvement in CLH’s values and prevention policy.

Apart from these actions, the company’s Health and Safety Management System should be highlighted. This complete system includes rules for eliminating, mitigating and controlling any occupational accident and has been certified according to the OHSAS 18001 standard, which is considered the strictest on an international level in occupational risk prevention.