

We provide journalists and media with a large bank of high and low resolution images and videos.

Photo Library

Get to know, through our images, who we are and what we do in Exolum

The photos in our image bank are property of Exolum, copyright © 2021 Exolum.

The use of the photographic archive of Exolum is subject to the conditions detailed below and to all the terms established in the Disclaimer:


  • The pictures are for the exclusive use by the media. You may not use these images for commercial purposes or for distribution.
  • Photographs must not be modified in any way.
  • It is forbidden to use Exolum images to illustrate activities, products or events of other companies.

Exolum has the right to withdraw permission to use these images if it considers that the material is being used in a manner prejudicial to its interests.

Video Library

Play our corporate video and learn more about what we do at Exolum