Win4H2 (Whole Iberian Network for Hydrogen)

Project Name: Win4H2 (Whole Iberian Network for Hydrogen)

Location: Spain
Project Pillar: Renewable gases

This project aims to provide Spain with a renewable hydrogen supply infrastructure by developing a network of 50 hydrogen stations to offer a uniform presence of this energy vector, so that any user may choose to use green hydrogen with guaranteed supply throughout mainland Spain.


The project is developed by Naturgy and Exolum and it is the first major hydrogen alliance for mobility corridors.

The aim of these corridors is to establish a network of renewable hydrogen supply points located approximately 300 km apart from each other and covering the whole national territory, thus allowing the establishment of national logistics routes with supply guarantee and connection to international routes.

Such configuration will allow the supply to an area of influence or service within a radius of 150 km around each facility. For this purpose, it is expected that a green hydrogen generation capacity of 4,000-7,000 tonnes per year will be available in the initial stage through a scalable design based on market evolution.

The first route will supply green H2 to the cities of Madrid, Valencia and Murcia/Cartagena, as well as connecting them to each other through a hydrogen corridor, thus promoting the movement of sustainable fuel powered vehicles in those areas. This first route was selected based on the high volume of heavy-weight cargo and passenger transport.

The infrastructures required to meet the hydrogen demand to be initially identified will be designed, built and operated at each of the selected locations, enabling scaling in order to meet any demand increases that may arise at any given moment.

Beneficiaries of green hydrogen for mobility include sectors such as the public administration, passenger transport, logistics, taxis, private vehicles, port and airport baggage logistics, in addition to other potential large consumers in the so-called hydrogen valleys.

STATUS: Under development
INVESTMENT: €20 M (route 1)